The Forty Part Motet (A reworking of “Spem in Alium,” by Thomas Tallis 1556), 2001
duration: 14 min. loop with 11 min. of music and 3 min. of intermission
40 loud speakers mounted on stands, placed in an oval, amplifiers, playback computer
dimensions variable
© Janet Cardiff, courtesy of the artist and Luhring Augustine, New York
Photo: Richard-Max Tremblay
Installation view Musee d'art Contemporain, Montreal, 2002
Sung by Salisbury Cathedral Choir
Recording and Postproduction by SoundMoves
Edited by George Bures Miller
Produced by Field Art Projects
The Forty Part Motet by Janet Cardiff was originally produced by Field Art Projects with the Arts Council of England, Canada House, the Salisbury Festival and Salisbury Cathedral Choir, BALTIC Gateshead, The New Art Gallery Walsall, and the NOW Festival Nottingham.